This Project was funded by the Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing
The TravelSmart EatSmart program brings together students in Years 5 -7 to learn about the Environment and Sustainability. The program will encourage students to develop a TravelSmart plan that encourage students to walk, ride, car pool or catch public transport to school to reduce greenhouse emissions, increase physical activity and decrease traffic congestion around the school. Students will also have the opportunity to develop an EatSmart activity as part of their plan. Watch this blog as kids report on their project progress.

Busselton Plan

TravelSmart Eat Smart MK Ten Step Plan
1.Survey the class
2. Discuss the outcomes and brainstorm travel options.
3. Create a plan
4. Talk to your Principal
5.Select a day
6. Create posters and send your Animoto to the class
7.Promote the day or week through newsletters, PA, at the assembly
8. Run the day. Give fruit kebab rewards to participants.
9. Evaluate and Celebrate
10. Do it again

Monday, September 21, 2009

Kalgoorlie-Boulder gets set to TravelSmart Eat Smart in Term 4!

Students from the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder will be taking part in TravelSmart EatSmart in Term 4 when the Millennium Kids Sustainability Roadshow returns to the Goldfields.

The Millennium Kids ran an initial Sustainability Roadshow in the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder on Wednesday 19th July 2009 with over 40 student’s exploring what sustainability meant through a series of inter-related activities. The result was the development the Big Switch Experiment Map of Change.

The Big Switch Experiment Map of Change describes the problems and threats within each sustainability area, as well as practical actions to make change with ideas from the students to develop a practical project.

The sustainability areas of ‘air’ and ‘energy’ were the identified as the greatest concerns and participating schools were given the opportunity to take part in TravelSmart EatSmart program.

TravelSmart EatSmart will allow students to create a campaign that encourages kids to walk, ride or catch public transport to school in an effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, increase physical activity and promote healthy eating.

There are range of benefits to schools participating in the TravelSmart EatSmart program, which covers a number of curriculum areas including English, IT, Society and Environment, Music, Maths and Health. The program also increases the health and wellbeing of students and can significantly decrease number of cars in and around the school area during peak times.

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